Saturday, September 13, 2008

This came from a legal professor's listserv and I have copied it in its entirety

‘Governing Through Crime’
September 10, 2008

Politics and administration in the penal state

Rehearsing again the grim statistics of American crime and punishment is depressing.
The Pew Center on the States reminds us that one in every hundred American
is behind bars, a rate of incarceration far greater than in other developed countries.
Incarceration is notably skewed along racial lines — one in nine black men
aged 20 to 34 is serving time, as is one in 36 adult Hispanic men.
Recent reports by the Sentencing Project and Human Rights Watch
show that, despite roughly equal rates of illegal drug use by race, black men are 12 times
more likely than white men to be imprisoned for it. Although African-Americans
make up 12 percent of the American population, they make up over 40 percent of the jail and prison populations.

Much of growth of the prison population can be traced to drug policy and
the implantation of that policy. Between 1980 and 2006, drug arrests increased
from 580,000 to 1.85 million, with 80 percent of those arrests for possession rather than sale.
Of those arrested for possession, just under half were arrested for the possession of marijuana.

The costs of the American penal system are astonishing. In the past 20 years, state prison costs
have jumped from about $12 billion to just under $50 billion. At current projections,
they are slated to grow to $75 billion by 2011. On average, almost 7 percent of state
budgets now goes to support their penal systems. This growth in spending has crowded
out other priorities.

It is one thing to rehearse the data on incarceration in America; it is quite another
to know how to think about it. In the interest of shedding light on this dark subject,
I bring to your attention an important new book: Jonathan Simon's
"Governing through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American
Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear."

To be politically effective, elected officials believe they must be tough on crime.
Simon writes, "Simply put, to be for the people, legislators must be for the victims
and law enforcement, and thus they must never be for (or capable of being portrayed as being for)
criminals or prisoners as individuals or as a class."

As part of the war on crime, according to Simon, "Americans have built a new civil
and political order structured around the problem of violent crime. In this new order,
values like freedom and equality have been revised in ways that would have been shocking,
if obviously unimaginable, in the late 1960s, and new forms of power institutionalized and
embraced — all in the name of repressing seemingly endless waves of violent crime."
This new civil and political order is, following Simon, a modern era of
"governing through crime," making crime, and particularly the fear of it, the
rationale for laws and policies which have resulted in mass incarceration —
over 2 million Americans in prison.

"Governing through crime" is a challenging description of the politics
and administration of the so-called "carceral state." Unlike "governing crime" —
the ordinary work of the police, the courts and the penal system, particularly as
they deal with those who break the law — "governing through crime" is the politics
and administration of mass incarceration.

Governing through crime has resulted in mass imprisonment noted by its scale,
its categorical (racial) application, and its increasingly warehouse-like or waste
management-like qualities. Simon says: "The distinctive new form and function
of the prison today is a space of pure custody, a human warehouse or even a kind
of social waste management facility. ... The waste management prison promises
no transformation of the prisoner through penitence, discipline, intimidation, or therapy."

What has governing through crime done to government? "Whether one values
American democracy for its liberty or its equality-enhancing features, governing
through crime has been bad. First, the vast reorienting of fiscal and administrative
resources toward the criminal justice system at both the federal and state levels
has resulted in a shift aptly described as transformation from the ‘welfare state' to the ‘penal state.'"

There are glimmers of hope. After a decade of stunning growth in prison inmates,
the Texas legislature decided it was time for a change. Drug treatment is being expanded,
parole practices are being reformed, parole boards are adjusting to earlier release dates,
and special drug courts are being established, all designed to slow the growth of incarceration.
To reduce parole violation-based reincarceration, Kansas is making grants to
community corrections agencies for parolee training and monitoring, and is
setting guidelines to assist judges and officers in revocation decisions.
Nevada is recalibrating good time served to reduce sentences. And, there
are many other examples. Nevertheless, American penal practices are abysmal,
an affront to democracy and to justice.

H. George Frederickson is the Edwin O. Stene Distinguished Professor of Public Administration
at the University of Kansas. He is the author of numerous books including
Up the Bureaucracy, a satirical take on public administration and politics
serialized in its entirety on


E. Rocha said...

If the legislators are not going to do any real change in the law, then the corrections system must increase effective release programs. Revising good time credits is a good way to start but corrections must also look into how to lower recidivism and improve the social re-integration of parolees.

juniorlopez69 said...

I realize that most of the people incarcerated are of minority backgrounds, but has anyone possibly thought that the reason these people are in jail is because they were caught doing something they thought would get riches quickly. And by that I mean, these people do not want to go out here and work for a living. The oil field is screaming for employees and are willing to pay well, but it is WORK. There is nothing simple about the oil field. You are guaranteed to work hard, but in the end, you will receive a substantive paycheck. I recently had to deal with a white juvenile for a misdemeanor offense. As I sat in the book in room waiting to transport him to the juvenile detention center, he laughed and asked me what my salary was. I told him what I made and he continued to laugh. He then proceeded to tell me that he was only fifteen and that he made my salary in two days! I then proceeded to ask him if he thought it was worth being caught for his violation. The juvenile stated that it was just temporary and would be out in no time flat only to be sentenced to probation later in the future. But, he said that he would also hire an attorney to fight the charge and could quite possibly beat the charge all together. I laughed and advised him that I had yet to lose a drug possession charge in my eleven years on the job. Again, the juvenile laughed and said that he would still luck out either way he looked at it, probation or exhonerated, he beat the system. Well, it is people like this that fill our prisons. They have no intention of getting 'theirs' by hard work or by getting an education. So, I say, quit playing the race card, pull yourself up by the boot straps and get with the program. The majority of the free world is doing it, what makes you so fragile?