Friday, November 14, 2008

The Media and Gun Sales

Today's issue of Crime and Justice News included an excerpt from an article in Slate that reiterates the way numbers can be blown out of
proportion to create a non-existent perception of fear.

The article discusses the numerous newspaper headlines and news stories that recently indicated that the nation was busy buying guns in fear that the new administration would place limits upon the 2nd Amendment. Slate analyzes the actual number of sales in comparison to past years.

A major point made is that we do not know how many are new purchasers v those who have guns and want to add to the collection. Additionally the increase in population must be factored in.

This is but another of too many instances where statistics are utilized to support a position without considering all the factors.

When a gunshop owner is interviewed about the increase in sales, we never hear him/her asked if other gunshops in the area have closed. With fewer gunshops, doesn't it make sense that those remaining will see an increase in sales?

When I first read about the increase in gun sales, I wondered if this time of year isn't when hunters make purchses.

I certainly accept the fact that there probably are some who, for whatever reason, headed to the local gunshop when the election results were announced. But to headline this into a show of national fear is unwarranted.

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