Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Going Against Logic

It is quite easy to predict that most citizens would assume crime rates are
rising because the economy is bad. But the information released by the
UCR reveals just the opposite.

"Preliminary statistics from theUniform Crime Report
the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s annual compilation 
of crime reports from local and state police agencies, 
showed that murders declined by 4.4 percent in 2008, 
rapes declined 2.2 percent, robberies declined 1.1 percent 
and assaults dropped 3.2 percent.

Property crimes were also down over all. 

Burglaries increased 1.3 percent, but motor vehicle theft dropped 

by 13 percent and arson declined 3.9 percent." according to

an article in the New York Times.

No doubt criminologists will be studying the issue in depth

and presenting theories to explain what has happened and


Could people cutting back on going out have any

connection with the lower rape? Fewer strangers meeting

up and offering fewer opportunities? It will be interesting

to see what theories are offered and if they remain valid

as the economy, hopefully, improves.

What do you think the reason is? 

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