Monday, December 7, 2009

Is the law too broadly interpreted

The Constitution never defined due process, but
the Courts created a meaningful measurement.
A criminal statute, which leaves "honest-service"
fraud undefined, has been used in so many different
situations that the Supreme Court will hear cases
involving its application.

When you begin to read the article and the specific
charges against the named individuals, you think,
or I suspect you do, of wondering what the fuss is
about. The problem is that without specific parameters
written in the statute itself, by definition, the law can
easily be abused by prosecutors: this is not to say that
it has been, only that it could be.

It is important to the well being of our nation that elected
officials and those involved with companies whose
stockholders' interests are at stake be required to act
within the law. But one must know what is prohibited.

There is a major difference between a moral wrong and something
statutorily illegal. Legislators must clearly state the illegal and
not leave it up to executive branch of government to draw the
parameters of a statute. The Constitution requires that laws not
be vague for just this reason.

The following article was copied from the New York
Times web site on December 7, 2009 to allow you
to consider the need for Congress and other legislative
bodies to define any criminal action clearly.

The New York Times
December 7, 2009

Justices to Weigh Honest-Services Law

An unusual coalition of groups has come together to

criticize the federal government’s increasing reliance

on a statute that is commonly used but little understood:

honest-services fraud.

The honest-services law, on the federal books since 1988,

broadly requires that public and corporate officials

act in the best interests of their constituents or employers.

It has become an important tool for federal prosecutors,

who used it successfully against the lobbyist Jack Abramoff

and many of his associates. It is an element of the cases

against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois;

the former New York State Senate majority leader,

Joseph L. Bruno; and former Gov. Donald E. Siegelman of Alabama.

Prosecutors have described the law as a valuable instrument

against corruption at a time when officials have become

increasingly sophisticated at covering their tracks.

But critics say it is used too broadly, is applied inconsistently,

and too often criminalizes behavior that fails to merit the

full weight of federal prosecution. The Supreme Court

will hear three cases concerning the honest-services law

in this term, with two coming up for oral argument on Tuesday.

Opposition to use of the law has emerged from across the

political spectrum, from the United States Chamber of Commerce

and the Washington Legal Foundation on the right,

to the more left-leaning National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

“Could an insincere sermon at Sunday religious services come

within the statute?” asked the chamber, half sarcastically,

in a brief to the Supreme Court.

Justice Antonin Scalia has been harshly critical of the

honest-services law, writing in a recent dissent that it has

been applied to “a staggeringly broad swath of behavior.”

He said that it “invites abuse by headline-grabbing prosecutors

in pursuit of local officials, state legislators, and corporate

C.E.O.s who engage in any manner of unappealing or

ethically questionable conduct.”

One of the two cases coming before the court next week

involves Conrad M. Black, the newspaper executive

who was convicted of defrauding his media company,

Hollinger International. He is arguing that the law

should not be applied to him because he did not

contemplate “economic harm” to Hollinger.

In the second, Bruce Weyhrauch, a former Alaska state

legislator, was convicted of failing to disclose a conflict

of interest. He had not violated state law, however,

and argues that the federal prosecution on honest-services

charges violates important principles of federalism.

The third case, to be argued later in the term, involves

Jeffrey K. Skilling, the former chief executive of Enron.

He is arguing that the honest-services law is unconstitutionally vague.

Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility

and Ethics in Washington, a nonprofit watchdog group,

scoffed at the idea that the law is so vague that people

do not know when they have crossed the line, especially

in the three cases before the Supreme Court.

“If you go to those cases — Black, Skilling and Weyhrauch —

and look at what they did, a kindergartner knows

that they were wrong,” she said. “It’s not credible

that those guys really had no idea that what they

were doing would get them into trouble. What they

thought was that they wouldn’t get caught.”

The watchdog group’s brief to the Supreme Court called

the law “an indispensable weapon in the prosecutorial

arsenal for fighting government corruption” since it offers

“a much easier evidentiary burden” than bribery law.

Critics of the law, however, say that its vagueness is used

to bolster corruption cases in which the evidence

might be weak or the offense, while perhaps distasteful, is minor.

That is the argument of Larry Remer, a political consultant in

San Diego who faced multiple felony charges after

successfully running a bond campaign for a community college.

After the campaign was over, and the campaign fund depleted,

a video production company sent in a bill for $5,800.

The college president proposed paying the bill with

public money, ostensibly by buying outtakes from

the video company, though it is illegal to use public money

for such a campaign.

Federal prosecutors indicted Mr. Remer and the college president

in 2004 on a range of charges related to the improper

use of taxpayer money, including honest-services charges.

Mr. Remer said he was baffled by the case.

“I do understand the need to get the sleazebags,” said Mr. Remer,

whose case ended in a mistrial and a plea of guilty, along with

the college president, to misdemeanor charges of improperly

using public money, not honest-services charges. “But let’s

get them with real laws. Let’s not just say we need to get

this guy, so we’ll use this law because it can be

melted to meet our needs.”

The United States attorneys office in San Diego

declined to comment on the case.

The honest-services statute grew out of the Supreme

Court’s earlier attempts to rein in the widening use by

prosecutors of mail and wire fraud laws, said John C. Coffee,

a professor at Columbia Law School.

In a landmark 1987 decision, the Supreme Court

limited mail and wire fraud prosecutions to cases

involving tangible goods like money and property,

and not the “intangible right” of the people to good government.

Within a year, however, Congress restored the prosecutors’

flexible tool by passing the current law.

Since then, critics argue, chaos has resulted, with significant

differences across the country in the ways that the statute is interpreted.

Bennett L. Gershman, a professor at Pace University Law School,

said the power of prosecutors to overreach by focusing on a person

to prosecute and then finding a law to apply “is not only subject

to abuse under the honest-services theory, but has been abused”

in cases like those involving Mr. Siegelman, the former Alabama governor.

The charges against Mr. Siegelman, including honest-services fraud,

concerned a contribution from a businessman, Richard M. Scrushy,

to an issue campaign advocated by the governor, who

later reappointed Mr. Scrushy to a state hospital board.

The Department of Justice has conducted an investigation

of the case and found no misconduct in the prosecution;

Mr. Siegelman’s supporters say the investigation was

poorly conducted. Mr. Siegelman has appealed to the

Supreme Court, which has not decided whether to take

up the case.

Ms. Sloan, of the watchdog group, said that if prosecutors

abused the statute, “it doesn’t mean the whole statute is at fault.”

“It means the prosecutors made some bad decisions,” she said.

Richard L. Thornburgh, who was attorney general when the

honest-services law was passed, said he expected the

Supreme Court to issue “something fairly sweeping”

since it had taken on so many honest-services cases.

But, he added, “I think they can do it without doing

violence to proper law enforcement.”

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