Thursday, November 11, 2010

Budget Cuts Have High Criminal Justice Impact

The federal government is not alone in dealing with
budget woes. Unlike the federal government, however,
many states have a state constitutional requirement that
the budget be balanced.

To deal with inadequate amounts of revenue, states are
looking to make cuts in all programs. Some of the current
proposals are going to directly impact the criminal justice

One proposal which appears to be getting wider support than
in the past involves sentencing guidelines and practices. Because
states like West Virginia literally have no room in the regional jails,
legislators are considering alternatives to jail time for low level

One of the many complaints heard about having sentencing guidelines
is that the judges have no discretion to tailor a punishment to the
individual offender. Legislators feared making any changes
because an opponent would label them as "soft on crime." Budget
woes and voter concerns about the economy and deficits is making
it more likely that guidelines will soon be changed.

Research has shown that some alternatives work well and do not involve
the costs of incarceration. The odds are that more of these will be
considered in the months to come and be more acceptable to the

What do you think of changes made because of the budget deficit?

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