Friday, August 1, 2008

Being Number One is NOT something to brag about

According to the Dallas Morning News, Texas juvenile prisons led the nation

in incidents of sexual violence during 2005 and 2006.

There were 21 confirmed cases of abuse by staff members and

26 confirmed cases involving youth on youth non consensual sexual crimes.

No other state had more than 9 incidents.

Texas accounted for 29 percent of such substantiated allegations nationwide,

though the state's share of youth incarcerated was only 11 percent of the national total.

The state's juvenile system was the subject of scandals in 2007 and an overhaul of the entire

system is still being completed. A number of supervisors and managers were fired and new

safeguards that include surveillance cameras and hot lines have been put into place.

Juvenile justice is the subject of numerous studies as experts try to find ways to rehabilitate

and educate those considered juveniles in order to prevent their becoming recidivists and entering

the adult prison system.

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