I plan to simply list the ones I personally would like to see implementated by bipartisan legislatures.
Because of economic shortfalls for the states as well as the federal government, many worthy projects
will undoubtedly have to be postponed.
My list is NOT prioritized, but I would like to see your responses list your first 3-5 priorities.
Support for local law enforcement by providing additional funding for equipment and manpower.
Support for prison-to-work programs.
Assist all levels of government, including tribes, with funding to combat and prevent drug crimes.
Assist all levels of government to combat and prevent drug and alcohol abuse.
Support programs aimed at ending violence against women.
Back victims' rights legislation.
Support programs aimed at ending child pornography
Support programs providing stronger enforcement against gangs
Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who are involved in gangs
Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who commit violent crimes
Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who commit sex offenses
Reform the prisons
Support drug courts and other alternative court plans
Which 3-5 of these do you feel needs immediate implementation. Why do you select these above others?
1. Assist all levels of government to combat and prevent drug and alcohol abuse.
This is number one because I feel if this were under control we would have less crime overall.
2. Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who are involved in gangs.
Same reason as number 1.
3. Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who commit violent crimes.
Support legislation providing for the immediate deportation of illegal aliens who commit sex offenses.
These 2 are tied---because I feel very strongly about illegals being in our country at all and the benefits that they reap from being here. These would be ways to send them home.
4. Support programs aimed at ending violence against women.
Because I think violence against women is still happening too frequently.
5. Support for local law enforcement by providing additional funding for equipment and manpower.
Without adequate law enforcement, we might as well live in the Wild West.
Great listing. I am having to guess at the sender.
I corrected my posting name so that I am easily identified. Sorry about that! I claim that post. Thank you.
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