Stockholm Prize in Criminology 2010 awarded for research on policing
The 2010 Prize has been awarded by its international jury to
Professor David L. Weisburd for a series of experiments
showing that intensified police patrol at high crime "hot spots"
does not merely push crime around.
This line of research encourages police around the world to concentrate
crime prevention efforts at less than 5% of all street corners and
addresses where over 50% of all urban crime occurs, yielding far
less total crime than with conventional patrol patterns.
The jury selected Weisburd's work on spatial displacement as
the most influential single contribution of his wider body of work
that has helped to bridge the gap between criminology and police practice.
The jury noted that Weisburd has been a leader among the
growing number of criminologists whose evidence shows how
the application of research findings can help to reduce not only crime,
but also the unnecessary impositions on public liberty from
policing activities that do not address a predictable crime risk.
Weisburd's work builds on and adds to other research showing
the effectiveness of placing almost all police patrols at street
corners, addresses or blocks with high rates of robbery,
purse snatching, street fights, or illegal drug markets.
Police have generally been reluctant to re-structure most
patrols to match the extreme version tested in this research
for fear that "spatial displacement" of crime will yield no
net reduction in criminal events. This theory holds that,
like air in a balloon, criminals and their crimes will simply
move from one part of a city to another if pressure is
placed on crime at any given location. The competing
theory is that most public crime only happens in certain
kinds of locations, all of which can be made less hospitable
to crime by proactive police efforts. Yet until Weisburd's
series of crucial experiments, police have widely accepted
the spatial displacement theory by spreading patrol out widely.
Evidence for drop in crime rate
The evidence from research done by Weisburd and his
colleagues in Jersey City (New Jersey) and Seattle (Washington State)
shows that crime can drop substantially in small "hot spots"
ithout rising in other areas. Weisburd also produced evidence
to demonstrate that the introduction of a crime prevention
strategy in a small, high-crime place often creates a
"diffusion of benefits" to nearby areas, reducing crime
rather than increasing it in the immediate catchment zone
around the high-crime target place. His evidence suggests
that crimes depend not just on criminals, but on policing
in key places. The jury noted that this evidence should
encourage police agencies to focus far more patrols
than at present on very small areas with high crime rates.
Chief Constable Peter Neyroud, who is the Chief Executive
of the National Policing Improvement Agency in the UK
and a member of the International Jury for the Stockholm
Prize in Criminology, commented in writing on the significance
of Weisburd's experiments. Neyroud said that this research
"has been crucial to developing more effective policing."
Commenting on the prevailing theory of displacement,
Neyroud said that police can now be more confident that
policing works. "As we strive to make our communities safer,"
he said, we now know that intensive patrol and problem-solving
on the hottest of crime hot spots will push crime down
in those areas without forcing it up in the next area."
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