Monday, October 12, 2009

Did Justice Go Awry

A New York Times article (October 12, 2009) raises
disturbing questions about a case that is 16 years old
involving three teenagers who were found guilty of
kidnapping and killing three young boys from Arkansas.

Two of the three are serving life sentences and the
third is on death row. The sentences were based on
the recanted and error-filled confession by one of
those charged. New DNA evidence points elsewhere
and people have come forward to strengthen the
alibis about where the convicted youth were at the
times when the little boys disappeared.

Even the parents of the victims are joining the cry for
a new trial. The town where all six lived is a very
small rural area and the new questions about guilt
are causing a schism between those who want a new
trial and those who say the trial was had and that
is enough.

Too many cases these days where questions are
raised about whether justice was absent. Is this
another instance of tunnel vision on the part of
police and the prosecutor or even worse a forced
confession? The three in prison are
Jason Baldwin, Damien Echols and Jessie Misskelley Jr.

Echols is on death row and Kisskelley provided
the confession. You might want to keep a lookout
to see if the Arkansas Supreme Court grants a new

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