Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Prosecutorial Misconduct

A county judge ordered release for a man who was sentenced four years
ago in a child molestation case where even the victim says it was NOT this
man. The article is sure to get your blood boiling as you read how this
was a pattern in the prosecutor's office and not an isolated incident.

This excerpt gives you a small indication of what type of misconduct
was involved:

The decision casts a shadow over the career of Deputy District

Attorney Troy Benson and further tarnishes the reputation of

the District Attorney's Office, which has come under fire in

recent years for alleged prosecutorial misconduct.

Uribe's conviction on charges he sexually assaulted a young

relative was overturned by an appellate court in 2008, after

a finding that the District Attorney's Office had improperly

withheld a videotape of the purported victim's physical exam,

which was turned over only after Uribe had been sentenced.

A defense expert then reviewed the videotape and said it

contradicted the prosecution witnesses' testimony that

the child had been assaulted.

Prosecutors have since acknowledged the existence of

about 3,300 of those videotapes dating back to 1991

that were never provided to trial attorneys, as required by law

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