Monday, January 18, 2010

Small Steps but True Success

This article describes a relatively small program that assists people coming out of
halfway houses with job skills and job themselves.

Those who take Intermediate Corrections courses learn about the hazards involved
when someone is on probation or parole and is unable to find employment. This
program has been going since 1984 and in the ensuing years has only had two of its
graduates return to jail, which is pretty impressive.

Here is a quote from a posting about the article:
Kevin Lynch runs a 25-year-old St. Paul-based business
that makes no profit and has an annual worker
turnover rate of about 400 percent. His Rebuild
Resources Inc., says St. Paul Pioneer Press
columnist Ruben Rosario, provides services
and jobs for people in recovery, particularly
ex-offenders returning to the community.
About 68 percent of nearly 1,000 graduates
since 1984 landed permanent jobs over the years.

This article is well worth your time and shows that even small programs
can have great impact.

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